Choosing what will be done after finishing the High School is the most difficult problem to be solved by almost all the students, expecially for those who are at the twelveth grade. There are several alternative choices provided to determine their future, that are applying for a job, continuing to the universities, getting married or just doing nothing. All the choices will give some consequences for the doer. For example, if the students choose to apply for a job, they have to be ready for the strict competition among the job applicants. Meaning that, there will be many job applicants that become their competitors in getting the job they want. So, having many strengths or choosing the right job that suite to the qualifications are the most important thing to do. Deciding to get married with the one who loved means that you have chosen to stop in your carrier, especially for the girl one. Although, it does not happen to all married couples, but most of them choose to be a house wife after that. What about Colleges? Continuing study to Universities? Have you ever thought about that? Herewith, the author would like to give some reasons why you have to choose this choice.

The first reason is, you will find something new in your life, starting from friends, environment and also experiences. They will give a new sensation in your life that can make you happier, have a broader thinking and naturally teach you how to adapt and survive when you are under pressure at any situation.

Studying at the colleges is gaining knowledge. Every single thing in this world needs knowledge. It is needed in every business like managing ourself, developing relationship with another people, and the more complex one is running business. When you are studying in the colleges, you will get those knowledge for your future.

It is different from when you are at the High School, studying in the colleges requires you to be able to manage your time well. It must be done because you have to arrange your time for studying and another activities. You can not depend on another person like your parents or your friends. So, you will be really trained to be an independent person.

The forth reason is, it will make you become open minded and help you to structure your mind. Studying at the colleges will train you to become a person who opened for any idea or solution to face and solve the problems. The combination of both paradigms will help you to pass any situation and challenge in your future.

The last reason is about life experience. During your study at the colleges, you will get many unforgettable experiences, like OSPEK, finding new friends, KKN, KKL, Thesis, etc. Those can not be found by you in another places. They will help you to be more mature, rich of knowledge and ready for the future. There is a quote says “Experience is the best teacher”, so we have to believe that there is meaningless experience. All of them comes for a reason and for our better life.
Some explanations above are the considerations given by the author to persuade you, that continuing your study is very important for your future. So, from now on, please think about it.
“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” (Art Williams)
Written by Lana Nofelia Halimatul Ulmi, S.Pd.